In just two weeks I am heading to the wonderful Australasian Piano Pedagogy Conference in Melbourne. This is the third time I have attended this conference and I am really looking forward to learning, meeting new people and seeing friends. This year for the first time I will also be one of the presenters!
I am presenting six sessions. Five of these are business related and aim to help participants build their business from the foundation up with business planning, goal setting and development. The sixth session is a collaboration with the wonderful Thembi Shears and is all about engaging the young beginner. Full of great, fun ideas to invigorate lessons for young students. Thembi and I have a blast when we are together and I’m hoping this session will give everyone some insight into the way we both teach! If we could just figure out a way to make it into a lounge room and have a coffee machine it would be perfect!
The full conference attendance tickets are booked out now, but they have released a limited number of tickets to day sessions for the streams I am presenting in if you would like to come along to the Tuesday or Wednesday!
Planning for the conference started quite some time ago (back in 2013 for the organising committee!) and around six months ago for me! Since then I have had many teachers ask about the conference and there are several questions that continue to be raised.

Australasian Piano Pedagogy Conference 2015
Should I go?
YES!! Absolutely you should go. It is the best value professional development around. You will learn so much and meet lots of different teachers! There are fantastic international and domestic speakers and artists to see. You will go back to your teaching after the winter break with a spring in your step and a load of great new ideas to try out!
But I don’t know anyone else going!
You now know me and I will be there. The first conference I went to I only knew one other attendee and everyone was very welcoming and friendly. By the end I had met many teachers I am still in touch with today! As an added bonus I met Kerin Bailey and Elissa Milne and barely contained my fan-girl excitement!
What days are you speaking?
Tuesday the 7th and Wednesday the 8th of July!
How do I get tickets?
Head over to get the day passes, cocktail party and dinner tickets at the Australasian Piano Pedagogy Conference website.
Now that I have a ticket what on earth do I pack for a conference?
I’m actually packing my bag this week so I will let you know! In fact, I will do a whole post on it because one of the other questions I always get is about what to wear to a conference.
You want to be comfortable but feel confident and professional all at the same time and it is easier than you might think!
So will I see you there?

Conferences are the places to learn!