Do you have a business plan for your studio? Even something simple that articulates the core values and vision of your business and how you plan to make it happen is very helpful in giving you direction. It can be simple or you can create a detailed picture but most of all you need to write it all down.

When I speak with teachers about their business’ the most common response is that they are just trying to keep the wheels turning. Just trying to keep all of those balls in the air. If you can find 30 minutes to sit and read through this basic plan then you’re off to a flying start. Considering how we want to run our business is vital to the path we end up going down with the business. Many times we are going with the flow because it seems easy, but it isn’t necessarily the case.

Would you like a quick template to guide you through the process? This one is simple and easy to use. Perfect for getting started.


Basic Business Plan


I have created a quick and easy basic business plan just for getting started. Some basics to consider and reflect on your current practice and perhaps identify where you might want to go in the future. Here it is!  Creative Piano Professional Basic Business Plan

This plan helps you identify your vision and values in business, your goals, services and customers. The ideal way to start clarifying your future in business. What better way to start the new year than with a plan and a path forward?

Let me know what you think!!