Create play enjoy

Today received an email from the parent of two of my students. This in itself wasn’t unusual but the way it made me feel was.

Normally we send quite functional emails, a quick hello and then a request or clarification of information. This mornings email just wanted to check that I had received their tuition fee for the term and to wish me a lovely day.

It was the first and last sentence that really got me.

It started with: “Once again the kids enjoyed their lessons yesterday. Even keen to practise with/for my sister last night!”

Finishing with “Thanks so much for the joy you are bringing to the kids. Have a lovely day!”

It was such a refreshing and happy email to receive. It was a lovely start to my day after a particularly gruelling week.

The day continued with a message from another parent of a student who is treading a less orthodox path in this journey. Her mum just wanted to let me know that today, without prompting this student went to the piano and was exploring sounds and playing snippets of things we had been doing in lessons. Her mother was delighted and just wanted to share her joy with me to note the progress she is making.

I am grateful for these messages and emails. They came at a time that I needed a gentle reminder to look for the joy.

It also reminds me to consider the way I communicate, to share the positives that we so often don’t think to pass on.

So to you dear reader, thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful, refreshing weekend.
