Recently Tim Topham and I had a chat about a whole variety of things, mostly we were supposed to be talking about business! But with Tim it would have been very easy for us to chat for a few hours about lots of different things. Building a multi-teacher studio is an intricate beast. One to take on with your eyes wide-open.

I am passionate about sustainable business development and this is a good summary of my ethos towards my own business practices.

So grab a coffee and come and join the chat. Head over to Tim’s page to download the podcast and get access to all of the great links he has up.

TTTV007: Building a multi-teacher piano studio with Carly McDonald

If you have questions I am happy to help whenever can and have the time. Just ask below in the comments or get in touch via the Creative.Piano.Professional Facebook page.

And here is the video of our chat if that takes your fancy!